well, before i spread my social netting i feel i must get a few things off my ample chest.
confession 1
i have a very, very dirty love happening for willie of swamp people. the fact that i watch the show at all should be confession enough but no i couldn't leave it at that. the idea that my man willie can pull a 600lb alligator over the side of the boat single handed is one thing. but the fact that he can do it while never taking his cigarette out of his mouth is quite another. oh my good god. you must realize that at my age i rarely have dirty thoughts at all but willie has changed all that. he small and only weighs 150lbs but he's young and strong so i believe i won't break him. anyway he's already missing some teeth.
i realize that the other confessions will seem quite boring now as they are not sexual in nature but that's the way it goes
confession 2
i do copious amounts of counted cross-stitch. there its out now, i've said it. mock me if you will. this has been my dirty little craft secret for a long time. i don't know why i'm embarrassed about it it's not like i'm stitching angels or clowns but nonetheless i am stitching. i always thought cross stitch was one of the lesser crafts like liquid embroidery but recently, the lovely alicia paulson of posie gets cozy did a cross stitch alphabet sampler. i love mrs paulson , not dirty willie love but a gentle sister/daughter love. i read her blog daily. she makes the most beautiful things but i have never commented because she is so famous and i didn't want her to find out about my cross stitching but then she up and did some. hallelujah i have been set free.
confession 3
i graduated top of my class from psychic school. well it wasn't called that but generally that was the gist of the whole thing. look people, i was in my 20's - bored and lonely on the farm. there weren't such things as cable tv or internet. so i took a home study course. christ all mighty, i can't believe i'm telling this. i have no pride. anyway i learned among other things how to create and interpert astrological charts, numerology, tarot card reading, rune stones, i ching, palm reading and so on and so on. i am a very well rounded member of the CPC (canadian psychic council) sorry that bit's a lie, there's no such thing. but the point is i can perform all this parlor tricks and i graduated with a 98% average. so bring it on - i'll tell your future.
well that was exhausting. you now know mostly everything. i can go forward towards success with a happy little smile