you like me, you really like me..... well maybe. it could be pity. so i have been granted 3 blog awards. yes 3, you crazy people. and as reigning miss canada i have duties to fulfill.firstly, i have to do all this technical stuff like explain the awards - i'm going to try and cut and paste that .secondly, i have to bestow these honors onto fellow bloggers. and then as part of one of the awards i get to tell you 7 things about myself. ok, that is going to be the best bit because i have always wanted to be interviewed and that dream is unlikely to happen in the real world. so i'm going to use this opportunity to have a faux interview with let's say jim parry from the miss canada pageant. i'll go find a picture of him for the purpose of the interview. but let's get the business done first.
the awards

the above 2 have the same set of rules – I need to tell you seven things about myself and then nominate seven recipients.
1. Thank the person that nominated you and link back to their blog. Thanks Elosie!
2. Tell everyone seven things about yourself.
3. Nominate seven fellow bloggers and let them know. i'm nominating the following for both awards (content warning - think eminem but funny)
The Liebster Blog Award is an award for blogs with under 200 followers. Apparently Liebster is German for “beloved” and a blog nominated for this award is “worth watching”.
There are 5 rules attached to this award:
1. If you are nominated for the award and accept it, then you have won!
2. Link back to the person who presented the award to you. thanks edith
3. Nominate 5 blogs with less than 200 followers who you feel deserve the award.
4. Let the nominees know by leaving a comment on their blog.
5. Attach the Liebster award badge to your site.
ok on with the interview
hi, i'm jim parry former host of the miss canada pageant and i'll be the man with the questions
JIM: tell us where you hail from bev
ME: thank you jim, it's nice to meet you too. i come from a tiny fishing village in nova scotia but now reside in alberta
JIM: are you a fame whore bev
ME: maybe a bit jim, but after all isn't that what we all want
JIM: what is your favourite book bev
ME: good question jim. i would have to say "The Heart is a Lonely Hunter"
JIM: do you have a dream job bev
ME: i would like to be housekeeper for amy sedaris
JIM: what is your greatest fear bev
ME: well, jim i'm fraught with fear but my biggest fear is that i'll end up going to heaven. followed closely by my mother finding this blog.
JIM: what do you do when someone tips your happy bucket over bev
ME: well jim, first i have a rage and then i read david sedaris' "Parade" a story about mike tyson and his kitten called "pity ting"
JIM: in closing do you have any words of wisdom bev
ME: hmmmm yes jim i do - "what does not kill you, will probably hurt like hell"
thanks for all the applause